These functions add columns to position trees in a forest plot. They work with ViewFullTable, tree and stem tables. From the input table, most functions use only the gx and gy columns (or equivalent columns). The exception is the function add_gxgy() which inputs quadrat information. If your data lacks some important column, an error message will inform you which column is missing.

add_lxly(data, gridsize = 20, plotdim = NULL)

add_qxqy(data, gridsize = 20, plotdim = NULL)

add_index(data, gridsize = 20, plotdim = NULL)

add_col_row(data, gridsize = 20, plotdim = NULL)

add_hectindex(data, gridsize = 20, plotdim = NULL)

add_quad(data, gridsize = 20, plotdim = NULL, start = NULL, width = 2)

add_gxgy(data, gridsize = 20, start = 0)



A ForestGEO-like dataframe: A ViewFullTable, tree or stem table.


The gridsize of the census plot (commonly 20 m).


The global dimensions of the census plot (i.e. the maximum possible values of gx and gy).


Defaults to label the first quadrat as "0101". Use 0 to label it as "0000" instead.


Number; width to pad the labels of plot-columns and -rows.


For any given var, a function add_var() returns a modified version of the input dataframe, with the additional variable(s) var.


These functions are adapted from the CTFS R Package.

See also

Other functions to add columns to dataframes: add_status_tree(), add_subquad()

Other functions for ForestGEO data: add_status_tree(), add_subquad()

Other functions for fgeo census: add_status_tree(), guess_plotdim(), pick_drop

Other functions for fgeo vft: add_status_tree(), add_subquad(), guess_plotdim(), pick_drop


# styler: off
x <- tribble(
    ~gx,    ~gy,
      0,      0,
     50,     25,
  999.9, 499.95,
   1000,    500
# styler: on

# `gridsize` has a common default; `plotdim` is guessed from the data
#> Guessing: plotdim = c(1000, 500)
#> * If guess is wrong, provide the correct argument `plotdim`
#> # A tibble: 4 × 4
#>      gx    gy    lx    ly
#>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1    0     0    0     0  
#> 2   50    25   10     5  
#> 3 1000.  500.  19.9  19.9
#> 4 1000   500   NA    NA  

gridsize <- 20
plotdim <- c(1000, 500)

add_qxqy(x, gridsize, plotdim)
#> # A tibble: 4 × 4
#>      gx    gy    QX    QY
#>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1    0     0    0     0  
#> 2   50    25   10     5  
#> 3 1000.  500.  19.9  19.9
#> 4 1000   500   NA    NA  

add_index(x, gridsize, plotdim)
#> # A tibble: 4 × 3
#>      gx    gy index
#>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1    0     0      1
#> 2   50    25     52
#> 3 1000.  500.  1250
#> 4 1000   500     NA

add_hectindex(x, gridsize, plotdim)
#> Warning: Some values of `gx` and/or `gy` lay at or beyond plot limits
#> # A tibble: 4 × 3
#>      gx    gy hectindex
#>   <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>
#> 1    0     0          1
#> 2   50    25          1
#> 3 1000.  500.        50
#> 4 1000   500         56

add_quad(x, gridsize, plotdim)
#> # A tibble: 4 × 3
#>      gx    gy quad 
#>   <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1    0     0  0101 
#> 2   50    25  0302 
#> 3 1000.  500. 5025 
#> 4 1000   500  NA   

add_quad(x, gridsize, plotdim, start = 0)
#> # A tibble: 4 × 3
#>      gx    gy quad 
#>   <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1    0     0  0000 
#> 2   50    25  0201 
#> 3 1000.  500. 4924 
#> 4 1000   500  NA   

# `width` gives the nuber of digits to pad the label of plot-rows and
# plot-columns, e.g. 3 pads plot-rows with three zeros and plot-columns with
# an extra trhree zeros, resulting in a total of 6 zeros.
add_quad(x, gridsize, plotdim, start = 0, width = 3)
#> # A tibble: 4 × 3
#>      gx    gy quad  
#>   <dbl> <dbl> <chr> 
#> 1    0     0  000000
#> 2   50    25  002001
#> 3 1000.  500. 049024
#> 4 1000   500  NA    

add_col_row(x, gridsize, plotdim)
#> # A tibble: 4 × 4
#>      gx    gy col   row  
#>   <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1    0     0  01    01   
#> 2   50    25  03    02   
#> 3 1000.  500. 50    25   
#> 4 1000   500  NA    NA   

# From `quadrat` or `QuadratName` --------------------------------------
# styler: off
x <- tribble(
# styler: on

# Output `gx` and `gy` ---------------

#>   QuadratName  gx  gy
#> 1        0001   0  20
#> 2        0011   0 220
#> 3        0101  20  20
#> 4        1001 200  20

# Warning: The data may already have `gx` and `gx` columns
gxgy <- add_gxgy(fgeo.x::tree5)
select(gxgy, matches("gx|gy"))
#>        gx     gy gx1 gy1
#> 1  138.68 425.26 140 440
#> 2   94.76 424.41 100 440
#> 3   61.31 495.73  80 500
#> 4  100.27 328.01 120 340
#> 5   53.84  73.81  60  80
#> 6  202.64 109.86 220 120
#> 7  172.45  14.73 180  20
#> 8  183.50 194.22 200 200
#> 9  191.04 131.80 200 140
#> 10 273.93 278.68 280 280
#> 11 216.39 261.34 220 280
#> 12   8.83 189.63  20 200
#> 13 267.28 370.88 280 380
#> 14 137.64 355.95 140 360
#> 15 120.05 216.51 140 220
#> 16 165.95 410.29 180 420
#> 17  56.67 267.22  60 280
#> 18 315.77 230.64 320 240
#> 19  79.74  22.76  80  40
#> 20 278.00  40.62 280  60
#> 21 113.97 182.33 120 200
#> 22  23.96 496.57  40 500
#> 23 145.93 217.68 160 220
#> 24  84.17 285.45 100 300
#> 25 246.90 354.20 260 360
#> 26 279.02 209.98 280 220
#> 27 152.55 425.55 160 440
#> 28  89.78 407.99 100 420
#> 29 112.79 426.00 120 440
#> 30  47.00 479.81  60 480

# Output `col` and `row` -------------

# Create columns `col` and `row` from `QuadratName` with `tidyr::separate()`
# The argument `sep` lets you separate `QuadratName` at any positon
if (FALSE) {
tidyr_is_installed <- requireNamespace("tidyr", quietly = TRUE)
stringr_is_installed <- requireNamespace("stringr", quietly = TRUE)

if (tidyr_is_installed && stringr_is_installed) {

  vft <- tibble(QuadratName = c("0001", "0011"))

    into = c("col", "row"),
    sep = 2

  census <- select(fgeo.x::tree5, quadrat)

  census$quadrat <- str_pad(census$quadrat, width = 4, pad = 0)

    into = c("col", "row"),
    sep = 2,
    remove = FALSE