These functions are adapted from the CTFS-R package. Compared to the original functions, these ones have a similar interface but use more conservative defaults and allow suppressing messages. These functions also feature formal tests, bug fixes, additional assertions, and improved messages.

  mindbh = NULL,
  alivecode = NULL,
  split1 = NULL,
  split2 = NULL,
  quiet = FALSE

  alivecode = NULL,
  split1 = NULL,
  split2 = NULL,
  quiet = FALSE

  rounddown = FALSE,
  method = "I",
  stdev = FALSE,
  dbhunit = "mm",
  mindbh = NULL,
  growthcol = "dbh",
  err.limit = 1000,
  maxgrow = 1000,
  split1 = NULL,
  split2 = NULL,
  quiet = FALSE


census1, census2

Two census tables, each being a ForestGEO-like tree table (dataframe). A stem table won't fail, but you should use a tree table because demography analyses make more sense at the scale of trees than at the scale of stems.


The minimum diameter above which the counts are done. Trees smaller than mindbh are excluded. By default all living trees of any size are included.


Character; valid values of status indicating that a tree is alive. The default, 'A', is the standard CTFS designation for living trees or stems.

split1, split2

Optional vector(s) to aggregate results by. Each vector should be a column of either census1 or census2. The default aggregates the result across the entire census datasets.


Use TRUE to suppress messages.


If TRUE, all dbh < 55 are rounded down to the nearest multiple of 5.


Either "I" or "E":

  • Use "I" to calculate annual dbh increment as (dbh2 - dbh1)/time

  • Use "E" to calculate the relative growth rate as (log(dbh2) - log(dbh1)) / time



  • FALSE returns confidence limits.

  • TRUE returns the SD in growth rate per group.


"cm" or "mm".


Either "dbh" or "agb" to define how growth is measured.

err.limit, maxgrow

A number. Numbers such as 10000 are high and will return all measures.


Metrics of recruitment: Similar to metrics of mortality.

Metrics of mortality:

  • N: the number of individuals alive in the census 1 per category selected.

  • D: the number of individuals no longer alive in census 2.

  • rate: the mean annualized mortality rate constant per category selected, calculated as (log(N)-log(S))/time.

  • upper: upper confidence limit of mean rate.

  • lower: lower confidence limit of mean rate.

  • time: mean time interval in years.

  • date1: mean date included individuals were measured in census 1, as julian object (R displays as date, but treats as integer).

  • date2: mean date in census 2.

  • dbhmean: mean dbh in census 1 of individuals included.

Metrics of growth:

  • rate, the mean annualized growth rate per category selected, either dbh increment, or relative growth.

  • N, the number of individuals included in the mean (not counting any excluded).

  • clim (or sd with stdev = TRUE), width of confidence interval; add this number to the mean rate to get upper confidence limit, substract to get lower.

  • dbhmean, mean dbh in census 1 of individuals included.

  • time, mean time interval in years.

  • date1, mean date included individuals were measured in census 1, as julian object (R displays as date, but treats as integer).

  • date2, mean date in census 2.


Survivors are all individuals alive in both censuses, with status == A in the first census, and a diameter greater than mindbh in the first census. The total population in the second census includes all those alive plus any other survivors. Individuals whose status is NA in either census are deleted from all calculations.


Richard Condit, Suzanne Lao.


assert_is_installed("fgeo.x") census1 <- fgeo.x::tree5 census2 <- fgeo.x::tree6 as_tibble( recruitment_ctfs(census1, census2) )
#> Detected dbh ranges: #> * `census1` = 10.9-323. #> * `census2` = 10.5-347. #> Using dbh `mindbh = 0` and above.
#> # A tibble: 1 x 8 #> N2 R rate lower upper time date1 date2 #> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 29 3 0.0241 0.00846 0.0681 4.53 18938. 20601.
# Use `interaction(...)` to aggregate by any number of grouping variables sp_quadrat <- interaction(census1$sp, census1$quadrat) recruitment <- recruitment_ctfs( census1, census2, split1 = sp_quadrat, quiet = TRUE ) as_tibble(recruitment)
#> # A tibble: 540 x 9 #> groups N2 R rate lower upper time date1 date2 #> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 MATDOM.1007 1 0 0 0 0.410 4.50 18891 20535 #> 2 CASSYL.1010 1 0 0 0 0.411 4.49 18914 20555 #> 3 SLOBER.110 1 0 0 0 0.409 4.51 18897 20543 #> 4 SLOBER.1106 1 0 0 0 0.404 4.56 18849 20516 #> 5 CECSCH.1114 1 0 0 0 0.413 4.47 18948 20580 #> 6 PSYBRA.1318 1 0 0 0 0.412 4.48 19011 20646 #> 7 HIRRUG.1403 1 0 0 0 0.403 4.58 18834 20506 #> 8 CASSYL.1411 1 0 0 0 0.414 4.45 18931 20558 #> 9 SLOBER.1414 1 0 0 0 0.403 4.57 18952 20622 #> 10 GUAGUI.1419 1 0 0 0 0.406 4.54 19012 20670 #> # … with 530 more rows
mortality <- mortality_ctfs( census1, census2, split1 = sp_quadrat, quiet = TRUE ) as_tibble(mortality)
#> # A tibble: 540 x 10 #> groups N D rate lower upper time date1 date2 dbhmean #> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 MATDOM.1007 1 0 0 0 0.410 4.50 18891 20535 240 #> 2 CASSYL.1010 1 0 0 0 0.411 4.49 18914 20555 67 #> 3 SLOBER.110 1 0 0 0 0.409 4.51 18897 20543 150 #> 4 SLOBER.1106 1 0 0 0 0.404 4.56 18849 20516 50 #> 5 CECSCH.1114 1 0 0 0 0.413 4.47 18948 20580 228 #> 6 PSYBRA.1318 1 0 0 0 0.412 4.48 19011 20646 14 #> 7 HIRRUG.1403 1 0 0 0 0.403 4.58 18834 20506 12.9 #> 8 CASSYL.1411 1 0 0 0 0.414 4.45 18931 20558 13.1 #> 9 SLOBER.1414 1 0 0 0 0.403 4.57 18952 20622 16.6 #> 10 GUAGUI.1419 1 0 0 0 0.406 4.54 19012 20670 108 #> # … with 530 more rows
growth <- growth_ctfs(census1, census2, split1 = sp_quadrat, quiet = TRUE) as_tibble(growth)
#> # A tibble: 540 x 8 #> groups rate N clim dbhmean time date1 date2 #> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 MATDOM.1007 0 1 NA 240 4.50 18891 20535 #> 2 CASSYL.1010 0.445 1 NA 67 4.49 18914 20555 #> 3 SLOBER.110 0.666 1 NA 150 4.51 18897 20543 #> 4 SLOBER.1106 0 1 NA 50 4.56 18849 20516 #> 5 CECSCH.1114 1.79 1 NA 228 4.47 18948 20580 #> 6 PSYBRA.1318 0.447 1 NA 14 4.48 19011 20646 #> 7 HIRRUG.1403 1.66 1 NA 12.9 4.58 18834 20506 #> 8 CASSYL.1411 NA 0 NA NA NA NA NA #> 9 SLOBER.1414 1.40 1 NA 16.6 4.57 18952 20622 #> 10 GUAGUI.1419 NA 0 NA NA NA NA NA #> # … with 530 more rows
# Easy way to separate grouping variables tidyr_is_installed <- requireNamespace("tidyr", quietly = TRUE) if (tidyr_is_installed) { library(tidyr) as_tibble(growth) %>% separate(groups, into = c("sp", "quadrat")) }
#> # A tibble: 540 x 9 #> sp quadrat rate N clim dbhmean time date1 date2 #> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 MATDOM 1007 0 1 NA 240 4.50 18891 20535 #> 2 CASSYL 1010 0.445 1 NA 67 4.49 18914 20555 #> 3 SLOBER 110 0.666 1 NA 150 4.51 18897 20543 #> 4 SLOBER 1106 0 1 NA 50 4.56 18849 20516 #> 5 CECSCH 1114 1.79 1 NA 228 4.47 18948 20580 #> 6 PSYBRA 1318 0.447 1 NA 14 4.48 19011 20646 #> 7 HIRRUG 1403 1.66 1 NA 12.9 4.58 18834 20506 #> 8 CASSYL 1411 NA 0 NA NA NA NA NA #> 9 SLOBER 1414 1.40 1 NA 16.6 4.57 18952 20622 #> 10 GUAGUI 1419 NA 0 NA NA NA NA NA #> # … with 530 more rows