Find allometric equations in allodb or in a custom equations-table.

add_equations(data, dbh_unit = guess_dbh_unit(data$dbh))



A dataframe as those created with add_species().


Character string giving the unit of dbh values, e.g. "mm" (see valid_units()).


A nested dataframe with each row containing the data of an equation type.

See also

Other constructors: add_species


census <- dplyr::sample_n(fgeo.biomass::scbi_tree1, 30) species <- fgeo.biomass::scbi_species census_species <- add_species( census, species, site = "scbi" ) add_equations(census_species, dbh_unit = "mm")
#> ✔ Matching equations by site and species. #> ✔ Refining equations according to dbh. #> ✔ Using generic equations where expert equations can't be found.
#> Warning: Can't find equations for 20 rows (inserting `NA`).
#> # A tibble: 30 x 34 #> rowid treeID stemID tag StemTag sp quadrat gx gy DBHID CensusID #> <int> <int> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int> #> 1 1 10303 10303 90030 1 libe 0901 170. 19.1 14835 1 #> 2 2 30566 30566 2021… 1 astr 2025 393. 484. 39497 1 #> 3 3 18991 18991 1401… 1 libe 1402 278. 26.5 25469 1 #> 4 4 11465 11465 92314 1 astr 0923 180. 456. 16191 1 #> 5 5 20997 20997 1504… 1 libe 1502 287. 35 27839 1 #> 6 6 12824 12824 1012… 1 cagl 1012 200 233. 17887 1 #> 7 7 4173 4173 30549 1 fagr 0315 48.6 283. 7298 1 #> 8 8 12843 12843 1012… 1 cagl 1013 198. 258. 17907 1 #> 9 9 34749 NA 1635… <NA> astr 1624 305. 469. NA NA #> 10 10 14783 14783 1120… 1 litu 1117 204. 323 20286 1 #> # … with 20 more rows, and 23 more variables: dbh <dbl>, pom <chr>, hom <dbl>, #> # ExactDate <chr>, DFstatus <chr>, codes <chr>, nostems <dbl>, date <dbl>, #> # status <chr>, agb <dbl>, species <chr>, site <chr>, eqn_id <chr>, #> # eqn <chr>, eqn_source <chr>, eqn_type <chr>, anatomic_relevance <chr>, #> # dbh_unit <chr>, bms_unit <chr>, dbh_min_mm <dbl>, dbh_max_mm <dbl>, #> # is_generic <lgl>, life_form <chr>