).Interacting with legacy code: A handful of functions are don’t work with tibbles because they expect df[, 1] to return a vector, not a data frame. If you encounter one of these functions, use as.data.frame() to turn a tibble back to a data frame
Ensure ctfs is not referred to where forestr should.
For faster download, provide sub sets of data in branches named censusYY_M-N, where YY indicates the census release-year and M-N indicates all censuses from M to N.
Add all tables data (stem, full and species) from all censuses 1-7 released in .
Remove dat_ prefix from all objects in data/
Generalize documentation so that bciYYfullN and bciYYstemN indicates BCI data from year YY and census number N. For example, bci12full1 contains BCI data released in year 2012 from census 1.
Make ForestGEO the licence holder