Main routine to format, detect major obvious errors, and gap-fill those errors in CTFS-formated data.
data_preparation(site, stem, WD = NULL, taper_correction, fill_missing, use_palm_allometry, flag_strangler, dbh_stranglers, maxrel, output_errors, DATA_path = NULL, exclude_interval = NULL)
site | The full name of your site (in lower case); e.g., 'barro colorado island'. |
stem |
taper_correction |
fill_missing |
use_palm_allometry |
dbh_stranglers | (optional) Minimal diameter (in mm) of strangler figs, default = 500. |
maxrel | A numeric value: the threshold for flagging major errors in
productivity, applied as |
output_errors |
DATA_path | The pathname where the data are located. |
exclude_interval |
flag_stranglers |
A data.table (data.frame) with all relevant variables.
# NOT RUN { data_preparation( site = "barro colorado island", stem = TRUE, taper_correction = TRUE, fill_missing = TRUE, use_palm_allometry = TRUE, flag_strangler = TRUE, dbh_stranglers = 500, maxrel = 0.2, output_errors = TRUE, DATA_path = NULL, exclude_interval = NULL ) # }